Coral Trout and Giant Trevally galore- Week 13- Montebello Islands
To sum this week up in one word it would have to be incredible! This week we had an excellent group of guys on board from Melbourne (and a couple from Perth) for a 7 day charter to the Monties.
Within the first few hours the boys warmed up with a nice Trevally. The 1st Giant Trevally of the trip soon followed as well as some lure carnage. This group loves Giant Trevally (GT), so we spent a few hours each day doing some GT popping around the islands. The boys got a decent number of Giant Trevally this week, all were safely released after they were caught.
This week we also spent plenty of time jigging and fishing with soft plastics. Coral Trout was the stand out species of the week with the boys catching plenty of nice sized coral trout throughout the week. Red emperor weren’t on the bite this week with the boys only getting one all week.
Our awesome deckhand Jake again supplied us with a nice feed of crayfish for dinner.
The boys enjoyed a spot of pontoon golf with our floating golf balls each day which is always a lot of fun.
The funny moment of the week was when the boys gee’d Bruce up putting his lure through a bucket. He thought he’d caught something nice and big, but was disappointed to realise it was just his mates pulling his leg.
The highlights of the week would have been on Sunday with Josh’s Cobia and Sailfish through a school of sharks all before 10:30am. Check out the incredible full story here
This week just kept getting more interesting though. The rod that Josh broke on his first cast on Sunday was actually his mate Cam’s rod. Lucky for Cam he brought three rods along so he still had a couple of options to continue his fishing. Later we headed out on Heart Starter to do a spot of Giant Trevally popping, when Steve’s reel handle seized up. Chad stepped in to help fix the reel and Cam was nice enough to lend Steve his spare rod in the meantime. Steve quickly hooked a solid GT. Whilst fighting the GT somehow the reel fell off the rod (Cam)! Steve and our awesome decky Jake worked together to get the reel back on the rod just in time as the Giant Trevally did a lap around the boat and took off on another run, then *SNAP* rod and line gone! Poor Cam was down to one rod.
Check out the image gallery below for some of the great adventures from this week’s Montebello Islands fishing charter.
Don’t forget Blue Lightning Charters is now on social media! Tag us or use the hashtag #BlueLightningCharters so we can relive your fishing adventures with you.
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Interested in your own Montebello Islands adventure? Check out our Montebello Islands destination page
- It was an excellent group of guys on board this week
- Selfie stick!
- You have to get everyone’s best side.
- A trevally to warm the boys up
- The first Giant Trevally of the week
- Some lure carnage
- Some more lure carnage
- Geoff’s jigging was working well, a nice Rankin Cod
- One of a number of nice sized Coral Trout this week
- Coral Trout were the standout species this week
- The second Giant Trevally of the week on a knife jig
- Time for some trout
- The Coral Trout were really on the bite this week
- The boys got some nice sized Coral Trout this week.
- This was one VERY lucky Sailfish
- Josh caught and released this very lucky Sailfish
- Josh caught this awesome Sail among a school of sharks
- One of a number of nice Coral Trout caught on this week’s charter
- Somehow the fish doesn’t seem as happy as the angler
- Geoff’s jigging is working well with this nice Rankin Cod
- Geoff with a Rankin Cod
- Coral Trout were the species of the week this week
- Another nice Coral Trout from this week’s Montebello Islands fishing charter
- That bend will always put a smile on our faces
- Another nice Rankin Cod
- Another Giant Trevally from this week’s Montebello Islands fishing charter
- These boys love their Giant Trevally
- Smiles all round when the Giant Trevally are on the bite
- A Giant Trevally is a great excuse to smile
- We spent plenty of time GT popping this week
- A great week at the incredible Montebello Islands
- Blue Lightning III is in her element up here at the incredible Montebello Islands
- We think the crystal clear waters of the Montebello Islands really suite Blue Lightning
- Blue Lighting III from the water
- We had some seriously awesome fishing on this week’s charter
- The boys enjoyed catching a Giant Trevally or two on this week’s charter
- The boys enjoyed a couple of good battles with some Giant Trevally
- A coral Trout and another on it’s way
- The Coral Trout were really on the bite on this week’s charter
- These boys love a good Giant Trevally
- The boys enjoyed plenty of Giant Trevally popping this week before releasing each back into the ocean
- A nice spangled emperor
- Not a bad Chinaman in 3m of water