A school of sharks and one lucky Sailfish

Montebello Islands Sailfish

A School of Sharks and one lucky Sailfish

It’s been a hectic week for Josh, one of this week’s fantastic group from Melbourne. First we had his birthday celebrations. But yesterday was a day packed full of action for Josh. 
On Josh’s first cast of the day his lure hit one of the rod’s in the rocket launchers, snapping the rod in half. 

A couple of casts later Josh managed to lose his lure and the next cast he lost another. This day was really not looking good for Josh but would you believe he repeated this pattern 3 more times!!! 
Soon we were out in a school of Spanish Mackerel and things were looking like they might be taking a positive spin, until…. the sharks move in. Josh managed to convince his mate Rod that they should try to catch one, even though there were a heap of sharks circling the boat. As you would expect the bait lasted all of 20 seconds in the water but to everyone’s surprise (including my own) a nice cobia hits the surface. This Cobia somehow busted the hook off though. 

About this time Josh decides its time for take 2, this time his bait lasts a little longer, maybe 35 seconds before it takes off. To everyone’s disbelief a SAILFISH hits the surface next to the boat with the shark rig in its mouth! That could be the end of the story but at this point Josh had decided that he really wanted this Sailfish. Somehow the Sailfish managed to throw the hook  BUT the trace was lassoed around the tail pulling the fish backwards. It was crazy. We trawled for 5-10 minutes to remove the sailfish from the area with the sharks. The Sailfish showed his awesome colours before cruising his way back to the depths of the ocean.  All this and it wasn’t even time for morning tea. 

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It's always a high seeing a Sailfish but today was beyond that!
It’s always a high seeing a Sailfish but today was beyond that!
Sunday's highlights!
Sunday’s highlights!
The lucky Sail swimming away after its ordeal
The lucky Sail swimming away after its ordeal
This is one lucky Sailfish
This is one lucky Sailfish