GT, Sailfish, Mackerel- Week 8- Montebello Islands
This week’s group actually met back in July 2013 on an individual charter aboard Blue Lightning to the Montebello Islands. since then they kept in contact with their fisho mates and here they are again with a few newbies to the group for another 7 day charter to the Montebello Islands.
What a week it’s been with lots of laughs, good weather, great fishing and great company.
Every night they had a tribal meeting best catch, or if they did something outstanding they got to wear the captains hat the next day and give orders. The biggest stuff up of the day had to wear wench costume, and serve and look after the rest of them. Theresa was nominated the first day because she put her mates Neville’s reel on upside down, Nev was also nominated as he used the reel so they shared the outfit. Gaz wore it to the pub on the last night he definitely got a few weird looks.
The first day was a great start to their trip with Mick landing a 25-30kg mackerel and Theresa got her personal best coral trout. Richard’s double header of coral trout, Hayzy with a 10kg red emperor made the first day one to remember. Paul from this group still holds the record for the biggest red emperor on Blue Lightning with a 12.5kg, so everyone on this trip was trying to beat it but all failed on this trip.
Gaz wanted a red bass and a GT, he managed to get both in 2 casts the red bass was caught in first cast with a sinking stick bait, and the next cast landed him a GT. Hayzy also got his very first GT.
Trawling a long and we see a sailfish free jumping which got everyone excited and lines were in, Paul got his very first sailfish and Hayzy also managed his first sailfish.
There were lots of personal bests this week. With a wide variety of fish caught, and released the dominant species were red emperor and coral trout.
There was a also a variety of fishing from popping, to trawling, bottom bouncing, as well as plastics, beach fishing and game fishing.
It has been a great week with smiles all around, the whole group is looking forward to the next one.
Captain Chads highlight for the week would have to be his beautiful wife surprising him with a visit (well maybe I decided that one lol!!!)
We had some amazing afternoons, with calm weather for playing golf off the pontoon, not sure who was the best but our Decky Jake hits the furthest.
I have not been on board the charters much lately but it’s so good to be back on board, on the ocean, and with my boys in one my favorite places the Montebello Islands.
It was good to have Theresa on board as I had a boot camp buddy and what an amazing place for a work out.
Don’t forget Blue Lightning Charters is now on social media so don’t forget to tag us or use the hashtag #bluelightningcharters so we can relive the fun with you.
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For more information on Montebello Islands Charters check out our Monties page here or email us