Final Abrolhos Islands Fishing Charter for 2017
An individual charter
This week’s charter was made up of individuals with most of this great crew travelling from Perth but Michelle making the trek all the way from Sydney! I jumped back on board to join the crew for this, our final charter of our Abrolhos Islands fishing charter season. After this, it’s time to head North for the winter the incredible Montebello Islands.
Terrific Trolling
We kicked off the final charter of the Abrolhos Islands fishing season with a trolling session as we left Geraldton and headed toward the awesome Abrolhos Islands. Ian was stoked to reel in the first fish of the charter, a Spanish Mackerel to christen his brand new rod & reel. Before long Ben & Andrew had a double hook up and were already loving their Blue Lightning Charter.
Triple & Quadruple Abrolhos Islands fishing hookups
It didn’t take long before we had triple and quadruple hook ups of Spanish Mackerel & School Mackerel on board. The crew were having a great time and were really making the most of a hot little session to kick off the charter.
Bottom Fishing & Shallow Water fun
The crew decided it was time to try their hand at Bottom Fishing. Unfortunately for all of us the bottom fishing session proved a little quiet because we were drifting at 2 knots. However the boys did manage to land a few nice Baldchin Groper. It was such a magical afternoon to be fishing at the Abrolhos Islands, it doesn’t get much better than this! We decided to make the most of it and headed to the shallows for the next session of the day. The crew really enjoyed this session catching some nice sized Baldchin Groper to top off a great first day fishing at the Abrolhos Islands. Callan brought in the goods with some delicious Crayfish for dinner, always a highlight of our Abrolhos Islands charters.
Day 2
The crew had a great day 2 of their Abrolhos Islands fishing charter with a very productive bottom fishing session. Matt managed to get himself a very nice Dhu Fish on a plastic and before long landed a second on the same plastic. To say he was happy is an understatement. As we always say happy customers= happy Blue Lightning crew. The crew finished the day with a sensational array of Abrolhos Islands species including Baldchin Groper, Pink Snapper & of course Dhu Fish. These species are so prevalent here at the Abrolhos Islands it’s on of the reasons this area is so special. The fishing here is phenomenal and we love introducing customer’s to the stunning landscapes & seascapes, the awesome fishing and the beautiful snorkelling that are hallmarks of the Abrolhos Islands. This crew was lapping up every second of their time at the Abrolhos Islands.
Day 3
We launched the final day of the Abrolhos Islands fishing charter season in the best way possible, with a yummy cooked breakfast. The first drop of the day proved positive for Matt landing himself a sweet Dhu Fish, for another awesome start to the day. It didn’t take long before Ben hooked and reeled in a very nice Red Emperor (we are loving seeing so many Red Emperor at the Abrolhos Islands as they have traditionally been a Northern WA species). Dave wasn’t far behind scoring himself an awesome Coral Trout. Callan was next up landing himself a very nice Baldchin Groper. To top off the day birthday boy Richard caught himself his biggest ever Pink Snapper.
Abrolhos Islands fishing season comes to an end
And just like that the Abrolhos Islands season came to a close as we headed back to Geraldton to drop the crew off, pack up the boats and head north for winter. We have had a seriously great season here at the Abrolhos Islands with plenty of awesome Abrolhos Islands species as well as a few surprise Red Emperor, much to our delight. The weather was (mostly) kind to us, but hey that’s fishing. Thanks to all our wonderful customers and crew who joined us throughout the season, you guys make our job so much fun and we simply love sharing WA’s best fishing locations with you all.
Until next time, happy fishing.
Don’t forget Blue Lightning Charters is now on Social media check us out at:
Instagram @BlueLightningCharters
For more information on one of our incredible WA Fishing Charters to the Abrolhos Islands check out our Abrolhos Islands destination page here or contact us at
- Ben with a beautiful Red Emperor at the Abrolhos Islands
- An awesome Abrolhos Islands sunset… you can see why we love this place!
- Dave and Michelle with a couple of big smiles and Pink Snapper
- Swimming with Spangled Emperor at the Abrolhos Islands
- Ben with a nice Abrolhos Islands Baldchin Groper
- Callan and Andrew with a pair of Abrolhos Islands Coral Trout
- Michelle was impressed with this WA Crayfish
- Richard the birthday boy with a Pink Snapper
- Andrew with a Spanish Mackerel he caught on his Blue Lightning Abrolhos Islands fishing charter
- Ian and Andrew looking impressed with their pair of Pink Snapper
- Matt with a sweet Dhu Fish caught on his Blue Lightning Charter
- Michelle was very impressed with her Pink Snapper
- Dave with a nice Abrolhos Islands Pink Snapper
- Yummy dinner 🙂
- Dave with a sweet Abrolhos Islands Coral Trout
- Ian with a sweet Spanish Mackerel to kick off this charter