This week we had a mixed group of males and females as soon as they stepped on the boat the battle was on
Their first day out fishing our way across to the Abrolhos Islands the bar was set high by Liza catching a double header of dhu fish. Bree was absolutely on fire catching one fish after another, and out fishing everyone on board.
Well day two and three the ladies were still winning, Jennie catching a15kg dhu fish and all the ladies catching lots of balchin grouper.
Jenni decided to change teams on the fourth and fifth day (might have felt bad for the guys J.
Day 4 the guys finally won a day with, Andy catching a nice size yellow fin tuna, Tim catching a good size spasnish mackerel, and Ben catching a spanish mackerel as well.
Their last day fishing back to Geraldton once again was won by the ladies.
Liza catching for the very time a nice size coral trout on a lure. We got the ladies to try plastics well you could say they loved it, they were getting fish after fish, their hooked now J
No matter what spot we went to on the trip Bree always caught a red throat she was the red throat queen.
It was definitely females luck on this trip ,sorry boys!!! 🙂
Well done Liza, Bree Leanne, Jackie and Jenni (when she was on the girls team)
Thanks to Skipper Chad and Decky Jake for the lovely feed of cray fish, we were all very spoilt.
Its good to be back on the boat I have definitely missed it

All the best girls we may let you win this time. Congratulations won by just a photo finish.
Bluelightings is a great team providing unforgettable trip to talk about for years to come. Thanks Bluelightings