The Compleat Angler group from Perth joined us on a trip to the Montebello Islands. After a big session of rigging up gear the boys were finally fishing for mackerel. After multiple hook ups on mackerel, keeping a couple and releasing the rest, we moved onto some jigging spots. Jigging knife jigs and soft plastics worked a treat. Catching some nice quality fish including rankin, spangles, reds, coral trout and not to mention having a blast catching and releasing big trevally. With the day slowly drawing to a close the crew pulled up to the mooring in Chartreuse bay, at the Montebello Islands.
Day 2 the crew ventured out to Tryal rocks to do some jigging, trolling, casting poppers and stick baits for GT’s. Again the jigging fired up, as well as the mackerel. One GT hook up after a little coaching from the crew but unfortunately there were no GT’s landed.
Day 3 the group went towards Barrow Island in search of GT’s. Trolling thru the shallows produced some good gold spot trevally and a lot of fun on, tuna and shark mackerel. Heading out to the some more mackerel ground that afternoon the guys got to troll and cast for some good spanish mackerel. The group released all the fish they caught.
Day 4 In the morning the two teams split up, half on the beach and half on heartstarter. 1 cast 1 GT perfect way to start, the crew on the shore had a blast catching and releasing a good variety of fish spangled emperor, trevally and coral trout.
Day 5 & 6 were also spent on heart starter and the shore, everyone had a good time island hopping , catching and releasing all different variety of fish.
Day 7 The last day of the trip. Hitting some more jigging spots on the way back to Dampier, a lot of trevally and bottom fish were caught.
They were extremely happy with the week They had at the Montebello Islands. They all have some great memories and looking forward to doing it all again soon.